Quality of life issues were the hot topic at last week's 106th Precinct Community Council meeting.
The forum, which allows residents to voice concerns about their neighborhood, drew a capacity crowd.
Most residents told officers, including Deputy Inspector John Doherty and Lt. Michael Coyle, that youths have been loitering in and vandalizing various neighborhoods in the area.
One intersection of particular interest, according to an attendee, is 159th Avenue and 92nd Street in Howard Beach, where, on Halloween weekend, kids allegedly threw pumpkins at passing cars.
In addition, two homes under construction on 134th Road and 95th Place have allegedly been vandalized - windows shattered, generators stolen, etc. - according to a resident.
Doherty assured the crowd that his team has been enforcing the 9 p.m. curfew at P.S. 207 in Howard Beach, and that residents' complaints are not falling on deaf ears.
In response, one “satisfied customer” commended Lt. Coyle for dispersing a gang of youths on Davenport Street this past summer.
The highlight of the evening's meeting was the presentation of “Cop of the Month” to officers James Boye and Christopher Bivona, who, on October 27, apprehended a suspect who had broken into a home on 90th Street and 103rd Avenue.
The 106th Precinct Community Council meets the second Wednesday of every month.