
Let your nose take you home for the holidays

It’s the holiday season, and while lights and decorations are an important part of the celebrations, nothing brings back memories of those special holiday moments better than classic seasonal scents such as pine, cinnamon, vanilla and sugar cookie.
“It’s a byproduct of how we’re wired,” says John Colombo, professor of cognitive psychology at Kansas University. “Odor molecules travel directly from the nose to the brain, and the human brain has the capacity to discern many different scents and associate them with specific people, situations or memories.”
“It’s a bit like hearing a song that takes you back to a specific moment in time,except your brain’s ability to remember scents is even stronger,” says Rick Ruffolo, senior vice president of brand, marketing and innovation at Yankee Candle Company. “That’s why year-after-year Yankee Candle offers festive, holiday fragrances that evoke special holiday memories for everyone.”
Classic Yankee Candle holiday favorites include Christmas Cookie, Mistletoe, Home for the Holidays, Jack Frost, Christmas Wreath and Christmas Eve. New this year is a Holiday fragrance called “Feliz Navidad” which honors the traditions of Hispanic-Americans. You can find other new and traditional Yankee holiday scents in stores or online at yankeecandle.com.
So, whether or not you are able to travel home for the holidays this year, you should treat your nose to the classic scents of the season. Don’t be surprised when just one sniff immediately brings you home for Christmas’ if only in your dreams.
Courtesy of ARA Content