As 2008 approaches, it is time for self-reflection. For many high school students a great New Year’s resolution may be to improve study habits. Self-discipline means giving up a few things you love to do.
It is very tempting to hang out with friends when you should be studying. However, there must be a balance between work and play.
Here are seven rules for achieving successful study habits:
1. Do it now! Do not procrastinate. As the Nike ad says, “Just Do It!” There will always be a number of things you would rather do than study. If you allocate a certain time each day to do your work, then the work won’t pile up and you will actually free up time to do the things you enjoy.
2. Study in a group. There is strength in numbers. Misery loves company so get together with students who have similar interests who may be able share notes and help you with concepts you may not understand.
3. Don’t get stuck in a rut. Learn new concepts, skills and problem-solving methods.
4. Make a realistic schedule - wake up an hour earlier on the weekends. Make your old lazy time into productive study time.
5. Have a pleasant work environment. Clean your room, your desk or your kitchen table. Find an organized, quiet, cheerful place to work.
6. Make a list of every subject or skill that you need help with. Attack the weakest subjects first. It is natural to seek comfort in studying what you know, but it’s what you don’t know that you must focus on.
7. Know your way of learning. There are many study guides available. Books, flashcards, CD’s, interactive computer skill games, videos, etc. Try each and every one of these tools to find out what works best for you.
Steven N. Weisman is an author and private SAT Tutor. Many valuable test strategies and information can be found on his blog and web site