
Resident Spearheads Initiative To Bring New Fitness Equipment To 105th

North Shore Towers resident Scott Strober is leading an effort to ensure members of the 105th Precinct are able to stay fit through a fundraiser that will improve their on-site gym.
Back in 2006, Strober organized a similar effort that benefited the 102nd Precinct, which covers the Richmond Hill area where his business, Marbridge Realty, is located.
“I suppose everyone has their interests and causes,” Strober said. “I saw a need on the part of the police, fire and sanitation for better exercise equipment and certainly a need for more physically fit police officers and firefighters and sanitation workers. I knew I could make a difference by getting involved, donating personally as well as supporting those types of efforts.”
Strober has now turned his attention to the 105th Precinct, which serves Floral Park. He has been a resident of the Towers for 11 years. He lives with his wife Linda and their two daughters, 12-year-old Samantha and 8-year-old Emily.
In July, Strober first met with a member of the precinct to find out what the gym needed. Strober’s friend and Gym Tech owner Alex Gorgowicz made an evaluation and came up with a list of $20,000 of equipment and matting that was needed. Much of the equipment would be remanufactured.
Strober announced the initiative to the North Shore Towers community during Senator Frank Padavan’s visit to the co-op at the end of July. At that point, he presented a copy of a check for a $4,000 donation that kicked off the fundraising efforts. He said he received positive interest from residents that evening.
“The people at North Shore Towers were very generous in the past,” Strober said, noting past efforts to aid victims of the World Trade Center and Hurricane Katrina and donating a fire truck to Israel. “This is a real important way they can benefit the local police to keep the community safe.”
The 105th Precinct covers 11.7 square miles and has more than 200 officers.
“The more physically fit they are, the better they’re able to do their job,” Strober said. He continued, “Physically fit police officers make a lot of sense.”
The fundraising is being done through the One Stop Richmond Hill Community Center, Inc., a 501 (c) (3) non-profit that Strober worked with previously during the efforts for the 102nd Precinct. Donations can be made payable to the organization and should also have a designation that they are for the “105th Precinct fitness equipment fund.” They can be mailed to the One Stop Richmond Hill Community Center at 110-08 Jamaica Avenue, Richmond Hill, NY 11418.
For more information, contact Simcha Waisman at the community center at 718-849-3759 or Strober at 718-229-3313.