
Blood drive participants deserve gratitude

An open letter to the Bayside community:

Congratulations and thank you to the donors, volunteers and recruiters who participated in the blood drive at Sacred Heart Church Aug. 24. Not only did we exceed our goal, but this drive was one of the most successful summer blood drives in the New York region.

Thanks to your efforts, we collected 81 pints of blood from volunteer donors and those donating for the first time.

We organized the drive in response to the Long Island Blood Service's emergency appeal for blood donations. Summer is always the most challenging time for blood collection and area supplies are at serious risk of falling below the three-day supply “danger zone.”

We are thrilled the Bayside community has contributed to meeting the needs of area hospitals.

A special thank you to Sacred Heart Church for its ongoing commitment and support and the staff of Long Island Blood Services. The drive went smoothly and all donors were attended to.

As lifelong Bayside residents, we feel privileged to be part of this special neighborhood where people care about each other and the larger community. Many thanks for your participation and contribution.

The Wren and Cash Families
