Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament School lets children get fresh air before lunch every day, weather permitting. Second- and fourth-grade students use 202nd Street for about 20 minutes each day before lunch.
Typically, children that age play games like red light-green light, jump rope, use the hula hoop and participate in other activities. They are closely supervised and are polite and respectful.
Unfortunately, many local dog owners feel the grass strip next to the school and the strip between the sidewalk and the street are put there for use by their dogs as an outdoor toilet.
All day long there is a steady progression of people walking their dogs and allowing them to defecate in the grass. A few actually obey the law and clean up after their pets, but many do not.
Young children are forced to avoid the grassy areas, but occasionally one of them steps into a hidden pile of waste. This is disgraceful.
Richard Pokorny