
General Manager’s Message

”If I could solve all the problems myself, I would.”

– Thomas Edison when asked why he had a team of 21 assistants

Last month, I spoke of the personal recognition I received for my efforts from Board member Claire Levitan and her House and Grounds Committee. Any accomplishments, however, require the work and expertise of many individuals.

As your General Manager, it has been my continued pleasure and privilege to work alongside the dedicated managers on the North Shore Towers and Country Club management team. Successful accomplishment of the many projects and diverse daily operations required by a unique community such as ours could simply not be achieved without the support and cooperation of our various department heads. It is through their guidance, knowledge and teamwork that our supporting staff employees are able to provide professional service and remain successful.

The management structure at North Shore Towers and Country Club is broken down into the following departments, headed by the respective department heads:

Accounting – Robert Serikstad, CPA, Controller

Central Maintenance – Steve Cairo, General Superintendent

Power Plant – Sal Castro, Chief Engineer

Security – Kris Debysingh, Director

Special Services – Kevin Mos, Director

Towers Country Club – Mary Anne Langone, Manager

Towers Golf Course – Eric O’Neil, Grounds Superintendent

Another essential element to our overall success is the Greenthal Management team. As one of New York City’s oldest and most respected property management firms responsible for more than 20,000 units, the Charles H. Greenthal Management Corp. brings to North Shore Towers and Country Club the experience that only a full-service organization can provide.

Operations at the central office of Greenthal in Manhattan enable our on-site management team at North Shore Tower to utilize industry-wide resources for developing more efficient and cost-effective property management strategies. It is our goal to provide the members of the North Shore Towers community with the ultimate in professional service while maintaining the economic soundness of their investment.

Of course, no discussion of accomplishment and success would be complete without mentioning our many residents who volunteer their time and expertise to serve their community either as elected members of the Board of Directors or as a member of the various Board-led committees. Their commitment to the betterment of North Shore Towers serves as the catalyst for the projects and daily operations that are then implemented by the aforementioned personnel.

North Shore Towers is very fortunate to employ many professionals who are dedicated to serving our community in the best manner possible. It is one of the primary reasons why North Shore Towers and Country Club is such a wonderful place to live, and, yes, to work.