
The Road to City Hall: Mayor

Name: William Thompson

Age: 56

Party Affiliation: Democrat

Area Serving: New York City

Occupation: Comptroller

Why did you decide to run for Mayor? “I’m the best person for this job because I know New York City and I know New Yorkers,” said Thompson, who has served as the City Comptroller during the past eight years and previously served as President of the now-defunct Board of Education. “I know our neighborhoods because I was raised in our neighborhoods. I understand our schools because they were my schools. And I appreciate the challenges New Yorkers face every day, because I’ve faced them too. That’s why I will be a Mayor for all New Yorkers.”

What is the first thing you would do as Mayor if elected? Thompson said the first action he would take as Mayor would be to fire New York City’s Schools Chancellor Joel Klein.

What are the biggest issues in the campaign? “Creating jobs will certainly be one of my top priorities as Mayor,” Thompson said. “By coordinating all city agencies, tools and programs around an economic development and job creation strategy, I will work to ensure that all New Yorkers have access to career ladders that lead to stable, middle class incomes.”

“A strong focus on education also features prominently in my vision and goals for the future of New York City. When I am Mayor, there will an honest accounting of performance both inside and outside the classroom. Schools will undergo an accreditations type review every two years, and the findings will be made public.”

Another top priority will be preserving and creating more affordable housing. At a time when almost 30 percent of all renter households in New York City pay over half their incomes on shelter, there is perhaps no more crucial issue before the city.