
A new ‘podcast’ network

In the new world of internet communication, almost anyone can be a broadcast magnate – look at the “Guys From Queens Podcast Network.”

Founded by Andrew Zarian in April and located in Bayside, they are having a live 9/11 tribute video and audio broadcast on Friday, September 11, at their web site, www.guysfromqueens.com.

Local residents, including a number of Baysiders, will recount that bright, end-of-summer Tuesday that changed America forever.

In case you were wondering, a “Podcast” is a program of computer media files that can be downloaded and played later. The name originates from “iPod broadcast,” because the earliest internet instructions for broadcasting were developed for the Apple iPod.

Despite the name, podcasts can be accessed on any computer that can play media files. There are numerous web sites devoted to podcasts, including Blip.tv, iTunes, aolradio.com, podcastmachine.com, podcast.com, and podcastalley.com.

For more information on “Guys From Queens,” email guysfromqueens@gmail.com or visit www.guysfromqueens.com.

–Victor G. Mimoni