
Annual UJA Event Honors Mary Anne Langone

The annual North Shore Towers event to benefit the UJA federation raised more than $100,000 while also honoring Country Club Manager Mary Anne Langone.

On Sunday, August 16, the event began with 60 golfers participating in an 18-hole and 9-hole tournament. This was followed by a sit-down luncheon in Towers on the Green that was attended by approximately 200 people.

“It was a beautiful Sunday,” event chair Joe Reveman said after the event. “God was good to us.”

While speaking during the event, Reveman explained that this marked the 30th anniversary of the Towers holding the charity event. Along with Reveman, the members of the event committee were Eneas Arkawy, Marty Blank, Mel Corwin, Blanche Kutno, Lester Reiss, Lewis Sugarman, Bernie Tobin, Marvin Weisman, and Simi Zwecker.

Reveman thanked those at the luncheon for their attendance and support.

“We recognize the difficulties that 2008 and 2009 have bestowed upon us and your appearance here today reflects the dedication and support of this worthy cause,” he said.

Langone was this year’s honoree. Reveman described her as someone “whose outstanding efforts and talent have made this a better place to live.”

“Something our Mary Anne has lots of is a good heart. She’s loving, giving of herself, expects nothing back in return except respect. She is sincere, compassionate and appreciative,” Arkawy said. “To you our dear friend, and my dearest friend, we honor you today in deep appreciation for all you give of yourself to everyone.”

Langone described the recognition as being “truly an honor.”

“UJA is one of the most wonderful organizations I have ever been affiliated with,” Langone said. “Everyone it touches, and today you have touched me. I thank you and I share this with all of you because this organization cannot go on without your help and your support.”

Joe Scheinfeld, a former UJA event chair who recently passed away, was also recognized during the event. A plaque of remembrance was presented to his children.

“He had a gift for coordinating, taking care of all details and having things done in such a magnanimous manner,” said Reiss, a committee chairman emeritus. “Joe Scheinfeld will be missed sorely. Everybody loved him.”

A short video was shown to detail the work of UJA. Arkawy also spoke about the organization’s many efforts to help others.

“For more than 90 years, UJA Federation has been there for the Jewish community through its network of beneficiary agencies,” she said.

During the fundraiser, 45 gifts were raffled off.

Music was provided by Marty Silver and Wendy Kimball.