
Five Towns College for musicians and entertainers

Have you always dreamed of a career in music, media, business, education or the performing arts?

Founded in 1972 as a Music school, Five Towns College in Dix Hills has expanded to a school of just over 1,000 undergraduates pursuing careers in all areas of the music and entertainment fields. While Audio Recording is the most popular concentration at Five Towns College, there are Associate, Bachelor, Master and Doctoral degree programs offered in a number of areas, including Business Management, Mass Communication, Film, Theater and Music Education. Financial aid and scholarships are available, and Five Towns accepts many transfer students.

“The Business Management program at Five Towns College is unique because students are able to select a Music Business or Audio Recording Technology concentration which allows them to learn about the music and entertainment industries, but it also gives them the opportunity to pursue employment in traditional business fields as well,” said Darlene DiCicco, Music Business Chairperson.

The Five Towns College campus is equipped with the latest in information technology and has a wide variety of state-of-the-art facilities, including audio recording studios, a film/television studio, a piano lab, a ProTools/MIDI lab, a Computer Graphics Lab, and music rooms and studios.

Krysti O’Rourke, Director of Career Services, said “Five Towns College Career Services Staff gives individualized career and internship assistance to students who request service. Career Services helps students with their resumes and cover letters, career counseling, assists with professional and developmental help through job opportunities, internships, community service and work/study programs. This help is available post-graduation, as well.”

“It’s a small school so we really get to know the students and have a good idea of what they want to do, so we try to match them with what works best,” said O’Rourke.

Career Services works with all types of employers: record labels, recording studios, TV and film companies, newspapers and corporate America. In addition to a large career/internship fair, various companies come in weekly to meet and recruit students. At Five Towns College, there is an extensive internship program allowing students the opportunity to meet people, network and experience an area they haven’t been exposed to before.

“Lots of students get jobs through their internships,” said O’Rourke.

For more information, call 631-656-2110 or log on to www.ftc.edu.