
Adult Day Center turns 10


 A group of seniors in Woodside spent a recent afternoon dancing and listening to music, enjoying cake and having an all-around good time.

The reason for the celebration, which took place on Friday, August 20, was to commemorate the 10th Anniversary of the VNS CHOICE Adult Day Center in Woodside.

“This is an exciting and meaningful milestone for the VNS CHOICE Adult Day Center in Queens, and for all the wonderful people—we consider them family really—who come to be with us every week,” said Deborah Stricoff, Director of the VNS CHOICE Adult Day Center. “We look forward to serving New York’s seniors over the next ten years, as we continue to introduce new and innovative approaches to help seniors live safe, healthy and engaged lives.”

The center, operated by VNS CHOICE, an affiliate of the not-for-profit Visiting Nurse Service of New York, was the first in Queens to offer coordinated care through a managed long term care insurance plan, including supervision of all health needs by a registered nurse.   

The Queens Adult Day Center facility provides myriad resources to help keep frail and elderly seniors, and those with dementia or Alzheimer’s, cognitively engaged and socially stimulated.

In addition to recreational therapy, nutritious meals, door-to-door transportation, health education and personal care, the center provides innovative alternative therapies such as Wii Fitness, pet therapy, music therapy and yoga classes.

During the celebration, VNS CHOICE President, Christopher Palmieri, presented a proclamation from New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg declaring August 20, 2010 “VNS CHOICE Adult Day Center Day.”