
Padavan not ready to concede

If the fat lady sang on Election night, Frank Padavan did not hear her.
The popular 38-year Republican incumbent – presumably beaten by two-time former councilmember Tony Avella in the 11th Senate District election – has filed a court motion to impound voting machines citing problems with new equipment.
The process of counting the votes from the memory sticks inside the voting machines could start as early as Thursday, November 04.
“We’re going to see what happens,” a Padavan source said.
However, Democrats believe that this is a futile attempt by Padavan and voters sent a message loud and clear on Election Day.
“The election is over,” said Austin Shafran, press secretary for the State Senate Democratic Majority. “Padavan’s case is without merit and will be rejected, just as he was rejected by voters.”
Along with impounding voting machines, Padavan will wait for absentee ballots and ballots from the military. Some military ballots could come in as late as Thanksgiving. Election results displayed a 25,864-22,781 victory for Avella, who spent the day after the election thanking his constituents. The Padavan camp has remained relatively quiet since Padavan briefly address supporters at his Election night party at Bourbon Street in Bayside.
Padavan will have to see a net gain of 3,084 votes to see the election results flip to his favor.