At the RKO Keith’s Theatre in downtown Flushing, it is once again two steps forward and one step back.
The once-glorious theater has been an eyesore since it was closed 25 years ago. Earlier this month it finally looked like something might happen with the space when three elected officials endorsed a plan to build a 17-story condo on the site. The new building would preserve the theater’s landmark lobby.
Then Community Board 7 Chairman Eugene Kelty announced that he has concerns that could cause the board to stand against the proposal.
In particular, Kelty and others on the board are unhappy that the developers want to expand the site to accommodate 357 units rather than 200. They claim nearly doubling the number of condos will have a negative impact on the area, especially on parking.
What about the impact the boarded-up carcass of this theater has had on the neighborhood for 25 years? And what about the boost this project could bring to the economy of downtown Flushing and the jobs it will create?
CB 7 has had decades to get something done at the RKO site. If it cannot help, the least it can do is get out of the way.
The Pride of College Point
Congratulations to Mario Rafael Morales, 17, a student from College Point, who was recognized for his research by judges in the Intel Science Talent Search 2011. He is among the 300 semifinalists out of 1,744 entrants from 499 high schools. These entrants represent the nation’s brightest youth.
Morales, who attends the Bronx High School of Science, titled his project, “Stochastic Modeling for Periodic Protein Production Rate and Implications for Gene Networks and Genetic Disorder Treatment.”
Morales’ entry in the competition is a computer model that examines the production of proteins, which has implications for the treatment of genetic disorders. Morales explained, “With a computer program, I was able to use algorithms that use random numbers to get a better approximation of what the future state of a cell would look like.”
It is nothing short of awesome that the research done by a high school student may one day enable science to provide better treatment to people with genetic disorders.
Way to go, Mario.