
Transit Talk at 102nd Council Meet In R.h.

Transit safety was a hot topic at the 102nd Precinct Community Council meeting last Tuesday night, Apr. 17, at Moose Hall in Richmond Hill. As noted, P.O. Matthew Wicelinski of the NYPD Transit Bureau District 20 (shown third from right) updated residents on crime and provided safety tips. Residents also heard a report on local crime by Capt. Martin Briffa (fifth from left), executive officer of the 102nd Precinct. Also shown in the photo (from left to right) are Community Council Secretary Ana Ramphal, First Vice President Harbani S. Dhillon, President Maria Thomson and Second Vice President Ranjit Singh; P.O. Jose Severino of the 102nd Precinct Community Affairs Unit; Community Council Treasurer Sandra Datnarain; P.O. Joseph Martins of the 102nd Precinct Community Affairs Unit and Det. Roberto Diaz of the NYPD Community Affairs Bureau.