Annex Offers New Labs, Prep Areas
Schools Chancellor Dennis M. Walcott joined Assemblywoman Catherine Nolan and other local elected officials to officially cut the ribbon last Thursday Oct. 18, on a new addition for the Middle College High School and International High School at LaGuardia Community College in Long Island City.

The $27.8 million addition includes two science labs, a science prep room and a demonstration room and 820 seats. It is a two-story building that has an exterior courtyard and is wheelchair accessible with central air conditioning. The addition also includes an art room and a computer room and administrative offices.
This is the first time both schools will share the same building and remain separate schools. Previously, International High School leased rooms from LaGuardia College.
Walcott and Nolan were joined at the ribbon cutting by Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney, Middle College High School Principal Linda Siegmund and International High School Principal John Starkey.
“The addition offers students state-of-the-art science rooms and labs and an art room that will help them hone their skills and develop their interests,” Walcott said. “What they learn here will help them be competitive as they prepare for college and careers.”
“Middle College High School and The International High School at La- Guardia Community College represents one of the finest academic opportunities that New York City has to offer to its students,” added Nolan. “With a track record for not only helping at-risk students, but also giving students access to both a high school degree and a two year college degree, it is clear that these schools have a lot to offer to its students.”
“The improvements that have been made to the Middle College High School campus will greatly enhance the educational experience of students attending both schools, giving them access to much-needed academic resources,” said Maloney. “As a former educator, I know the quality of a student’s educational environment can have a great impact on academic success. And I know that the best jobs program is a great education.”
“LaGuardia’s partnership with Chancellor Walcott and the Department of Education opens the doors of higher education to high school students so they get the academic prepawaterfront ration and support to be able to succeed at college,” said Dr. Gail O. Mellow, president of LaGuardia Community College. “The new facilities for Middle College High School and International High School will give these students new learning opportunities and strengthens our mission to help all New Yorkers see a bigger world with more choices and opportunities.”
In a joint statement, Principals Starkey and Siegmund said, “Middle College and International High Schools at LaGuardia Community College are proud to announce the union of our two institutions in our newly constructed building at 45-35 Van Dam St. in Long Island City. Our two schools have a long-standing relationship, since our inception, and the common bond we share serving our respective populations within our Early College program at LaGuardia Community College.”
“It is important that classrooms provide our students with a hospitable environment that is conducive to learning,” added State Sen. Michael Gianaris. “Moving the International High School into proper classrooms in Middle College High School will make our more vulnerable students feel more welcome, give them the opportunity to directly access college-preparatory classes and boost their confidence as they continue their education.”