A nation mourns after Adam Lanza shot and killed 27 people, 20 of them children. Sandy Hook elementary in Newtown, Connecticut has experience horror that they could not believe would happen in their town.
In my opinion I feel this was a most senseless killing by a deranged young man who was the personification of pure evil. And yet I wonder — didn’t anyone see this coming? Those interviewed said he was a most trouble individual. The question many of us are asking is “how do guns capable of killing 27 people get into the hands of demented individuals?”
Parents should not have to worry about sending their children to school. President Barack Obama has said after this event both political parties must address this issue.
I grieve today with the families of those killed and pray they will be comforted and find the strength to go on.
Remember this: evil thrives when good people do nothing.
Frederick R. Bedell Jr.
Glen Oaks Village