
Thousands Found Work with State Employment Services

Say Career Centers Got The Job Done

State Labor Commissioner Peter M. Rivera announced that approximately 250,000 New Yorkers who sought help at one of the department’s career center locations landed a job in 2012.

Nationwide, just over one million people were hired using states’ workforce career centers. New York career centers were responsible for one quarter of the nation’s hires in 2012.

With the new year, job seekers are encouraged to visit any of the 91 career centers to get help finding a job from proven expert career counselors.

“The numbers speak for themselves- we helped more than a quarter of a million people get jobs here in New York,” said Gov. Andrew Cuomo. “That number represents more than 250,000 people who may not otherwise have found employment. I commend the staff at our career centers and congratulate everyone who found success through our programs.”

In 2012, New York’s 91 career center locations helped thousands of job seekers get jobs using technology and new job search tools to find job leads and get hired. Career centers emphasize the importance of networking, using social media, and targeted job hunting. This, combined with expert assistance in resume preparation, interviewing skills and training opportunities, can help prepare job seekers for jobs available now.

Career counselors are able to locate job opportunities across the state using a network of job vacancy search engines, including the Jobs Express site, www.labor.ny.gov/jobs/ regional.shtm.

“This shows plain and simple that our system works,” said Rivera. “We encourage anyone looking for a job in New York, even if they have been there before, to visit our career centers and see what’s new in 2013.”

Job seekers can find the location of career centers across the state by visiting the State Labor Department website at www.labor.ny.gov or by calling 1-888-4-NYSDOL.