
News from the 112th Precinct Community Council

Next Meeting Focuses On Domestic Violence

The 112th Precinct Community Council’s next meeting on Wednesday, Mar. 20, will be a forum on preventing violence against women.

Panelists at the forum will be Beth Silverman, clinical director for Sanctuary for Families New York; Keshia Espinal, assistant district attorney with the Queens District Attorney’s office; and Renee Lobo, exective director of Providing Our Women with Equal Rights (POWER) and 112th Precinct Community Council secretary.

City Council Member Peter Vallone Jr., chair of the Council Public Safety Committee, is also scheduled to attend.

The meeting will take place this Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m. at the 112th Precinct stationhouse, located at the corner of Austin Street and Yellowstone Boulevard in Forest Hills.

Crime prevention

We are still being victimized with burglaries in our community. Be sure to be smart when you leave home.

Please remember to leave a light on when you are not home. The NYPD Community Affairs Unit has suggested this light should be attached to a timer so it turns on and off automatically. This should happen in different parts of your home or apartment.

The Community Affairs Bureau also emphasized you should not hid your valuables in your bedroom. It is the first place where perpetrators will look for valuables.

Additionally, do not leave your car keys visible when you enter the house. In the 112th Precinct, we had burglars who took the possessions from the house and then stole the victim’s car using keys left by the front door.

If you are a victim of a crime, please report it to the police immediately. Once the police take the report, they are able to establish if there is a pattern of a particular crime in the community. They may be better able to arrest the criminal. If they do not have the report, and they do not know there is a crime, the criminal will not be caught.

Anyone who would like a free crime prevention survey of their home can contact P.O. Christine Narsighn of the 112th Precinct at 1-718- 520-9319.

Please also remember not to walk in the street and talk on your cell phones. You need to pay attention to your surroundings. People regularly have their phone stolen from them while on the street. you do not want to be a victim of crime.

If you see a crime in progress, or if you see suspicious individuals next to a neighbor’s home, call 911 immediately.

Editor’s note: Heidi Harrison Chain is president of the 112th Precinct Community Council.