
Plenty of Jobs for Youth In Brooklyn

Don’t Wait To Send In Applications

Assemblyman Rafael Espinal announced that more than 18,000 job opportunities will be available for young adults through New York State’s Summer Youth Employment Program in the coming months.

“This youth employment program helps teens in their job search at a time when they need it most,” Espinal said. “By getting their foot in the door, young adults will have the chance to establish a strong work ethic early on, helping them excel in their studies and prepare for future career opportunities. Additionally, a secondary benefit for getting more teens into the workforce this summer is the positive impact of keeping them off the streets and focused on what’s most important, their future.”

The state Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) has distributed $25 million to all 57 counties and New York City to help young adults enter the workforce and gain the skills needed to achieve higher levels of success in school, as well as future career paths.

Through the Summer Youth Employment Program, New York City will receive $13,467,175 to provide job opportunities to teens looking for work as the summer season kicks off. Funding from this program can be used to subsidize wages, support education and training activities, as well as counseling and employment-related services, like transportation to and from work or training.

To be eligible, applicants must be between the ages of 14 to 20. Additionally, only those teens whose families receive public assistance, or have a total annual income below 200 percent of the federal poverty level, or $38,180 for a family of three, are eligible to apply.

Youth interested in participating can contact Bushwick, Cypress Hills, Cityline, and Bedford-Stuyvesant’s Department of Social Services at 1- 718-557-1399.

“By helping Bushwick, Cypress Hills, Cityline, and Bedford- Stuyvesant teens with job opportunities now, they can gain valuable skills and a greater sense of responsibility,” Espinal said. “Plus, with today’s tough job market, this program affords teens the opportunity to work hard and succeed-one they might not have had otherwise.”