
Constitution still our great protector

It should not be missed by any of us that we are being assaulted by a progressive agenda of a ruling elite that thinks we are not capable of managing our own lives. This ruling class insists on imposing its righteous vision upon us for our own “good.”

President Obama is convinced that the decline of the Democratic Party and its policies is a result of the citizens not being sufficiently informed of the awesome paradise that awaits them. Even he laments that the “government is too busy imposing its views on those who don’t share them.”

Jonathan Gruber, one of the architects of Obamacare, said regarding the machinations and subterfuge employed to pass Obamacare, “Lack of transparency … and call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass.”

This revelation suggests it is acceptable for the “elites” to exploit the “stupid” American voters’ ignorance for the voters’ own “good.”

The Constitution and our rule of law are the safeguards against those who would be kings and those who profess that their progressive agenda would be the face of the future and a force of enlightenment if only if we were smart enough to embrace it. At the moment, we are ruled by elitists who claim that government coercion and violation of individual rights can be justified by a “good” or “unselfish” motive.

However, a good dictatorship is a contradiction in terms.

The uniqueness and value of our Constitution is that it limits the power of government, whoever is in charge, and protects our individual rights and liberties. Without the rule of law, we are subject to the rule of the mob. It’s perhaps a lesson still waiting to be learned by our nation.

Ed Konecnik
