This August, The Queens Courier reached an online milestone: 425,691 page views online during the month, with 14,603 average daily clicks. We thank our loyal readers on the Internet, in Queens and around the world, for helping us achieve this all-time high.
We reached this milestone with a website that had very limited uses. It was never meant to be a permanent website, as for the last 18 months, we’ve been hard at work building a new online home for The Courier and our sister publications in Queens that really represents your needs.
So here is — your home for news, events, sales, businesses, community talk and much more, your entire neighborhood right at your fingertips. We already cover Queens like no other publication, and this website will enable us to expand our reach even further.
What’s more, you’ll be part of it every step of the way. By signing up for a free account, you get to sound off on important issues in your neighborhood, advertise events, post classifieds and connect with thousands of others across Queens.
The Courier’s longtime motto is “We’re all about you,” and certainly embodies our mantra. is all about you, and we want all of you to participate and enjoy everything it has to offer.