
To sleep, perchance to feel rested

By Tom Allon

Like millions of Americans, I have an uneasy relationship with sleep, and I’ve spent the past year digging into this underappreciated aspect of our lives.

I have dreamed up a new way of assembling research, data, new technologies and resources to help provide people with useful information so they can sleep soundly and feel better. It’s called “Sleep School.” (More on that below).

It is amazing how much of our society’s attention has been obsessed with food and nutrition and countless diet fads in the past few decades.

Even fitness has had its 15 minutes of fame. Countless magazines and websites extol the 30-day route to fabulous abs or offer endless charts of efficient seven-minute fitness routines.

But sleep, which occupies more than one-third of our lives, has been relegated to a quiet corner of mystery.

So now, I believe, it is time for sleep.

There has been a spurt in the past few years of both scientific and media attention to the national sleep crisis. Most doctors and sleep researchers say that getting approximately eight hours of sleep each night is optimal, but we average 90 minutes less of sleep than we did a century ago. This sleep deficit affects our health, our relationships, productivity and—most alarmingly— safety.

We know that we have witnessed an obesity epidemic, which has led to a record number of cases of diabetes, heart attacks, and strokes. But why don’t we recognize that a large contributing factor to this epidemic is lack of sleep? When the body and mind are tired, they crave something to help with energy and that fuel happens to be food; in most cases, it is sugary food and fast meals, two of the largest causes of weight gain.

Lack of sleep is also thought to be a threat to public safety. We know of train derailments and car accidents caused by people who are sleep deprived. The Exxon Valdez oil spill and the nuclear reactor accident at Chernobyl may have been the result of sleep-deprived workers.

Many medical professionals say that the problem of insomnia and sleep deficits amounts to a national health crisis. But it has been hard to get this message across in a society that demands long work hours, overachievement, late-night partying, shift work, and other sleep killers. Even though many of us are constantly exhausted and think that being drained is the new normal, we are overlooking the long-term problems caused by not getting enough sleep.

And one of our country’s most problematic secrets is the vast number of Americans who are now addicted to some sort of sleep medication.

Because I believe that this health crisis is not being given enough attention in the media and because there is a lot of great sleep research and new technologies being developed, I have decided to start a company called “Sleep School.” Its mission will be to provide accessible, concise information and resources for the sleep deprived. We will be launching a website (www.sleepschool.me), a weekly curated e-newsletter, as well as producing regular sleep-related seminars.

Our first conference in December in New York will include panel discussions on the public policy and safety issues related to sleep problems as well as panels discussing cutting-edge research, new technology products, and new ideas to help the chronically sleepy. We’ll also look at the latest sleep-related products.

I recently was heartened to read that many technology companies are putting nap rooms in the office to help exhausted workers. Research shows that a one-hour nap can be extremely helpful not just for productivity and feeling better, but also for overall long-term health and safety.

It would be great if we could develop an awareness campaign that educates Americans about the importance of consistent, restful, eight-hour or more stretches of sleep each night.

For now, Sleep School will do its best to educate New Yorkers who take pride in the fact that they live in in “the city that never sleeps.”

It is time to say good night to that harmful boast.

Tom Allon, president of City & State NY, was a Republican and Liberal Party-backed mayoral candidate in 2013 before he left to return to the private sector. Reach him at tallon@cityandstateny.com.