
Vallone gets endorsement from WFP, Central Labor Council

Vallone gets endorsement from WFP, Central Labor Council
Photo by Michael Shain
By Mark Hallum

City Councilman Paul Vallone (D-Bayside) was endorsed Monday by two organizations advocating for the rights of working class New Yorkers, adding to the list of groups backing him for re-election.

The Working Families Party and New York City Central Labor Council both handed their support to the incumbent, who will again be facing a 2013 Democratic primary opponent, Paul Graziano, a land use expert and community activist well-known within the northeast Queens district.

“Now more than ever, we need to fight for and support the working families that make our communities so great,” Vallone said. “The endorsement of the Working Families Party and Central Labor Council will help communicate to voters throughout northeast Queens that I am committed to our working families and that I will strongly oppose any efforts to take away their rights. I am honored by these endorsements and look forward to working with them for the next four years.”

The WFP is a progressive organization founded in New York around 1998. It represents the rights of laborers in at least 12 other states. According to the WFP, is has thousands of members across northeast Queens. The group claimed to back Vallone for his support of workers.

“The Working Families Party is thrilled to support Paul Vallone for re-election to the 19th Council District. Paul Vallone has shown his commitment to enacting policies of fairness and opportunity for working families and will continue to be a champion of labor in northeast Queens and throughout the City,” Juan Antigua, Political Director for the WFP, said.

The CLC is a non-profit organization which represents over 1.3 million workers across the city from teachers, nurses, construction workers, electricians, firefighters, retail workers and janitors.

“We are proud to endorse Paul Vallone to represent the working men and women of the 19th District on the City Council,” Vincent Alvarez, president of the CLC, said. “During his time on the City Council, Paul has consistently shown his support for working people, and we look forward to continuing to stand together with him to protect the rights and working conditions of hardworking New Yorkers.”

Vallone also claimed the support of the United Federation of Teachers for his contribution to schools in his district through the allocation of funds from his office. The Queens Democratic Party also threw its weight behind Vallone in May with an official endorsement.

Reach reporter Mark Hallum by e-mail at mhallum@cnglocal.com or by phone at (718) 260–4564.