Resolutions, resolutions, resolutions: That’s what comes with a new year.
Okay, I admit that mine have begun the same way for decades – I’ve resolved to lose weight and I say it again this year. “I’m taking control of what I eat.”
It’s especially important to me this year because I will have a photographer shooting my first grandson’s life changing event, his bar mitzvah in March. Hopefully, the magical software called Photoshop can miraculously take pounds off, but I will see how long I can keep my resolution.
My other resolutions are to get organized at my desk, my room, my … well, you get it.
I believe we all have the power to make ourselves better, but we must take the first step. That’s always the hardest one to take.
I like what Louise Hay said: “Be willing to take the first step, no matter how small it is. Concentrate on the fact that you are willing to learn. Absolute miracles will happen.”
There is a wonderfully life changing motivational speaker, best selling author Tony Robbins, who offered five points titled, “How to Have the Best Year Ever!” Here they are:
- Always keep learning. You must feed your mind.
- Stay physically active. I work out each day to keep my mind sharp and anxiety under control
- Identify a person who already has what you want. Everyone needs a role model.
- Take action, but be willing to change course. Sometimes you must do things differently. Never fear change
- Give back. Helping others makes our lives better. Life is about “we,” not “me.”
Robbins added to his list: Start the new year on the right foot by beginning with one simple new behavior.
What’s remarkable about a new year is that it is a new opportunity, but I never forget to be grateful for what I have.
I wish you a “jovial” January, “fabulous” February, “marvelous” March, “awesome” April, “meaningful” May, “joyous” June, “jubilant” July, “amazing” August, “successful” September, “optimistic” October, “nurturing” November and a “divine” December. Have a victorious year!
As 2018 ends, let me thank all of the good people who made this year beautiful for me. I pray that you will be blessed with a year filled with good health, prosperity, love and abundant happiness. And remember, as written in the Bible, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
Impressed by the Panorama
This weekend I had the opportunity to visit the Queens Museum with new friends who live in other states, and my dear friend Tamar Hirschl Snyder.
The museum houses within it a remarkable, football field-sized room featuring The Panorama, a to-scale model of the five boroughs built for the 1964 World’s Fair as a celebration of New York City. It took a team of 100 people working with model makers Raymond Lester & Associates over a three-year period to construct it. It’s an exact 1:1200th geographic model of the five boroughs in which one inch equals 100 feet. Most remarkable!
My guests were in awe of the site of over 895,000 buildings and 100 bridges, and adored watching little planes flying into and out of LaGuardia Airport as we walked around the Panorama’s glass balcony. Tamar was able to identify her building in Manhattan’s West Side. The museum offers an opportunity to “Adopt A Building”; you can “purchase” any building with a donation to ensure its upkeep. The purchase even comes with a “deed” to remind you of your property!

Tamar, an artist herself, delighted in visiting the Queens Museum’s exhibition hall, donated by her late husband Harold Snyder.
The museum is now offering the 8th annual Queens International Show, open through Feb. 24. It’s a celebration of Queens artists from around the globe who brought their talents to our borough.
But my favorite exhibit is still the extraordinary works in the Tiffany Neustadt Gallery, created by the Tiffany Studios once located in Corona. Spectacular pieces of Tiffany jewelry were recently added to the exhibit.
My enormously impressed visitors kept asking me why they didn’t know about the Panorama, remarking that it’s the best thing they saw in their visit to our great city.
Have you visited the Queens Museum? It’s opposite the Unisphere in the beautiful Flushing Meadows-Corona Park, next door to the Billie Jean King National Tennis Center. Put it on your resolutions list, and resolve to make it there this year!