Police released on Wednesday security video of a man who allegedly attempted to break into a Ridgewood apartment last month, but abandoned his bid after accidentally waking up a resident inside.
The NYPD said the caper took place at about 5 a.m. on June 28 inside a multi-unit apartment building in the vicinity of 71st Avenue and 60th Lane.
According to law enforcement sources, the suspect tried to enter a second-floor apartment through a bedroom window, but made enough noise to startle a 28-year-old woman sleeping inside.
Once the woman woke up, cops said, she spotted the suspect and shouted at him. The failed burglar then fled the scene in an unknown direction.
Officers from the 104th Precinct responded to the incident. There were no reported injuries.
The video shows the unidentified suspect walking through a nearby alleyway.
Anyone with information regarding the perpetrator’s whereabouts can call Crime Stoppers at 800-577-TIPS (for Spanish, dial 888-57-PISTA), visit the Crime Stoppers website or send a direct message on Twitter @NYPDTips. All calls and messages are kept confidential.