P.S./I.S. 128 in Middle Village hosted a “walk-in closet” event on Jan. 21 to give out clothing to community members in need.
Parents and staff gathered in the school’s cafeteria to collect donations of new and gently worn clothing.
“It’s very important to us to help the community,” said P.S./I.S. 128 Principal JoAnn Trani. “We wanted to help our community and surrounding communities. Always helping others — that is important to us.”
Coats, jackets, sweaters, boots and shoes — all of different sizes, ranging from infants to adults — were collected during the event, which was organized by parent coordinator Melissa Phillips.

Residents from all throughout Queens were able to attend and pick out clothes for themselves and their families.
“As a parent, community advocate and vice president of CEC District 24, it’s heartwarming to see members of our community join together and [help to] support basic human needs,” said parent and community advocate Connie Altamirano.

“As a parent and community leader, it was an honor to be part of this school event. It was an amazing opportunity to help people who need assistance,” Dmytro Fedkowskyj said.