Kids & Education Success Academy Hollis Middle School officials and parents demand mayor find permanent home for 250 Queens students By Carlotta Mohamed
News Hollis woman undergoes liver transplant after nose piercing infection leads to life-threatening condition By Carlotta Mohamed
Politics ‘I intend to succeed collectively’: District 23 City Council candidate touts 30 years of experience as political activist By Jenna Bagcal
Police & Fire Three Thanksgivings later, Hollis mom seeks justice for daughter slain on island getaway By Todd Maisel
Hollis Nursing home workers rally in Queens for ‘fair compensation’ during COVID-19 crisis By Todd Maisel
News Antibody tests again confirm NYC communities of color suffering most from COVID-19 By Robert Pozarycki
Hollis NYPD’s 103rd Precinct assists Catholic church in Hollis with distribution of Easter hams By Carlotta Mohamed
Floral Park Black 6 Project is ‘Mission Driven, Coffee Fueled’ by Queens-based military veterans By Angélica Acevedo
Police & Fire Cops cuff Jamaica woman who allegedly vandalized Hollis church on two separate occasions By Bill Parry
Police & Fire Hollis church vandalized on two consecutive Sundays, Diocese working with NYPD on investigation By Bill Parry
Politics Pop-up court for city-issued summonses to be held at Hollis branch of Queens Public Library this month By Carlotta Mohamed
Police & Fire Burglar steals cash and electronics during weeks-long burglary pattern throughout southern Queens and Brooklyn: cops By Emily Davenport
Police & Fire Cops crush crew of 15 alleged gang members from Hollis for drug deals, gun sales and violence in Queens By Emily Davenport
Transportation City’s Transportation Department installs new traffic signal at notoriously unsafe Hollis intersection By Bill Parry