The Floral homes twins defeated the Gary Spitz tigers in a thriller on June 6th by the score of 6-5.
In one of the most exciting games in the International Boys Division this season, the Twins rallied…
By The TimesLedger
Floral Homes Twins defeat Gary Spitz M.D. Tigers.
The Floral homes twins defeated the Gary Spitz tigers in a thriller on June 6th by the score of 6-5.
In one of the most exciting games in the International Boys Division this season, the Twins rallied for two runs off the Tigers ace Jonathon Kruczowy in the top of the 6th and held off a Tiger rally in the bottom of the inning to preserve the victory.
Justin Dillon’s two-out single to left scored two runs in the 6th inning, scoring Mike Laurino and Josh giving the twin a 6-4 lead going into the bottom of the 6th.
The never say die tigers rallied in their half with two outs with John Barbari’s single and walks to Jon K. Robert Li, and Pavan Parikh forcing in a run and Adam Spitz at the plate. With the winning run on second, Adam who had hit the ball hard in his prior two at bats looked like he might win the game for the Tigers with a hard smash up the middle, Twins second baseman Chris Magnoli however ranged to his right scooping up the ball and made a perfect throw to first to get the speedy spitz and the final out of the game.
Highlights for the Tigers were Robert Li’s great catch in right, Mike Costanza’s relay to get a Twins runner at the plate. Adnar Akbari said after the game the Twins made a lot of great plays in the field.