

By The TimesLedger

In the Oct. 25 issue of the TimesLedger on the Buddhist temple Nichiren Shoshu Myosetsuji in Flushing, there were several errors, according to Dennis Haggerty, lay head of the Myosetsuji Temple Hokkeko Chapter.

Haggerty said Emyo is not a publication of the Nichiren Shoshu Myosetsuji temple. He said the temple had not circulated a bimonthly newsletter of that name that contained some controversial material on the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

The TimesLedger reported an English-language version of the Japanese publication Emyo was distributed to 2,000 members of the Nichiren Shoshu Myosetsuji temple in early October. Haggerty said no such distribution of the October issue of Emyo was made to its members in Japanese or English.

We regret any confusion that may have arisen from the article.