By Sabina Cardali
Welcome to the Point. The Point being College Point. The snow has been shoveled from one side to another and some more snow may be coming to fill in the spaces.
There will be a St. Patrick’s dance March 8, $35 per person, at the Knights of Columbus hall. For more information, please call Tom Nazario at 718-767-6848.
Happy birthday to Betty Pegen, Frank Hess, Jackie Smith, Clare Mount and Robert Graziano.
Happy anniversary to Sal and Joan Graziano
Condolences to the family of Carmine Lampasso.
A baby shower was given to Cathleen King by her mother, Lucie, and sisters Lucie Ann and Jennifer. Many beautiful gifts were given.
There will be a meeting in the Holy Trinity basement for the Order of the Sons of Italy on March 12 at 7:30 p.m. Men and women are welcome.
Archbishop Molloy High School Honor Roll: First honors go to Erica Ferrari and Alexander Ficuciello. Second honors go to Gabrielle Gallardo and Michael Sporton.
Special attention to southeast Queens homeowners: If someone comes to your door, says they are with the water department and asks for a sample of your tap water — beware. Officials say con artists have been working the neighborhood collecting water samples and trying to sell expensive filtration systems to unsuspecting homeowners. Department of Environmental Protection officials said the agency has no workers collecting water samples from homes in southeast Queens and insists that the drinking water supply is safe.
Queens Borough President Helen Marshall was honored by LaGuardia Airport General Manager Warren Kroeppel with an art exhibit at the airport. The display profiles Marshall’s first year in office and is a part of Black History Month.
Help support Boy Scout Troop 20 while enjoying a wonderful pancake breakfast on Sunday, March 16, from 9 a.m. to noon at the First Reformed Church of College Point, the troop’s sponsor. There is a fee of $5 per person for all you can eat (those 5 and under are free). Other food served will include cake, bagels, eggs, coffee, tea and juice.
St. Ambrose Knights of Columbus and Columbiettes present “Murder at the Luau,” a murder mystery written and performed by actors and actresses from the Killing Kompany. The performance will be Friday, April 4, at 8 p.m. at St. Ambrose Council, 22-38 College Point Blvd. Tickets cost $40 per person in advance or $45 if paid at the door. This price includes dinner, beer, wine, soda, coffee, tea and cake, and there will be a cash bar available. All reservations must be made in advance. For tickets and more information, contact Melissa at 718-661-3721 or Brian at 718-939-8544 after 6 p.m. (212-613-4219-work).
The “Sound of Music” was put on at PS 29 School of Theatre Arts in College Point. It was directed by Stephanie Flunory, Jennifer Harris, Francesca Pavlovic and Jennifer Young. The main cast: Lindsey Creed, Jimmy Voigt, Marlena Dobuler, Edward Caporaso, Ashley Rodriguez, Jose Cuartas, Danielle Calle, Jazlyn Beltre, Evelyn Luna, John Perez, Arleen Allendes, Katherine Hurtubise, Konstadinos Bikos and Franklin Sanchez.
The life-enhancing heart-healing workshop “Reclaiming Your Lost Self,” with psychotherapist Yolanda Koumidou-Vlmas, will be Saturday, March 22, at 1 p.m. at the Poppenhusen Institute. A fee of $15 and pre-registration are required.
“Dance into Spring,” a multi-cultural dance fest featuring performers from Israel, India, Scotland and more, will be Saturday, March 29, at 7:30 p.m. This free event will be sponsored by the Flushing Jewish Community Council and the Multi-Cultural Committee. For more information, call 718-358-0067.
The Mary Louis Academy in Jamaica Estates is having a reunion for class years ending in “3” and “8” on Saturday, April 12. Please contact Sister Joan Killen, CS, Alumnae Association Moderator, at 718-297-2120 for more information.
Sabina says…It is important that you show interest in your community. Express your needs and opinions when these subjects are brought up by developers and builders.