
2003-2004 Department of Education Calendar


Sept. 8, Monday

School sessions begin for all students. Early dismissal for kindergarten students only.

Sept. 9, Tuesday

Early dismissal for kindergarten students only.

Oct. 6, Monday

Yom Kippur

Oct. 13, Monday

Columbus Day Observed

Nov. 4, Tuesday

Election Day. Chancellor’s Conference Day

Students will not be in attendance

Nov. 11, Tuesday

Veterans Day

Nov. 27, Thursday and

Nov. 28, Friday

Thanksgiving Recess

Dec. 24, Wednesday through

Jan. 2, Friday

Winter Recess (including Christmas and New Year’s Day)


Jan. 19, Monday

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Jan. 30, Friday

Fall Term ends for high school students. High school students will not be in attendance. All other students are in attendance.

Feb. 2, Monday

Spring Term begins for high school students.

Feb. 16, Monday through

Feb. 20, Friday

Midwinter Recess (including Washington’s Birthday)

April 5, Monday through

April 13, Tuesday

Spring Recess (including Good Friday, Easter and Passover)

May 31, Monday

Memorial Day Observed.

June 10, Thursday

Anniversary Day (Brooklyn and Queens Schools)

June 25, Friday

Last day for all students unless a makeup day is needed due to authorized school closings during the school year, in which case, upon official notification from the Chancellor, the last day for students would be Monday June 28.

*A calendar for pre-kindergarten students will be issued separately.