
Southeast Pols Face Critics

State Senator Malcolm Smith is facing a paternity suit filed by a former staff member this past week. The staff member reportedly stopped working for Smith back in 2001.
Smith, 49, is married with two children. He has a long history in politics and has had connections with former Congressman Floyd Flake, former city Councilman Archie Spigner and former Mayor Ed Koch.
Smith represents District 14 and is the Assistant Minority Leader for Policy and Administration. Smith could not be reached for comment.
Meanwhile, Andrea Duncan, wife of Councilman James Sanders Jr., resigned as his chief of staff after a six-month saga stemming from allegations of nepotism in hiring.
Sanders said that Duncan, who was on the payroll for $70,000 a year, left for a better position.
Sanders and Duncan were married in July 2005. The City Council sent a letter to Sanders indicating that following the marriage, she no longer could be on his payroll. According to Sanders, Duncan had been hired prior to becoming romantically involved with the councilman.
“This was a case of a political witch-hunt,” said Sanders. “We wanted our day in court and a chance to see this matter taken up with the conflicts of interest board.”
The conflicts of interest board could not be reached for comment.