Landmarking is imperative for the Broadway-Flushing community, even if the makeup of the Landmarks Commission does not change. The alternative is destruction of our beautiful historic community.
Ed Konecnik, whose letter “Don’t rush to landmark status,” appeared in The Queens Courier of Thursday, March 30, is a longtime friend, and owner of a charming home in our area. He has contributed to our Association’s Landmark Application Fund. Let us be clear - he wants landmarking but he wants a more homeowner-accountable commission.
Ed goes ballistic anytime a government agency appears to impose restrictions without “consent of the governed.” I admire his utter devotion to principle, but I also know, from experience, the Law of Unintended Consequences.
Yes, by all means, let us examine the makeup and operation of the Landmarks Commission. But we must go with what we have - NOW! Unelected, unaccountable builders and contractors can squeeze his lovely home between two huge, off-the-shelf monstrous boxy buildings with five entrances, TOMORROW, if we do not get the landmarking which the New York State Historic Districts Commission has already unanimously - said we deserve. Municipal landmarking is our only hope.
Ms. Marjorie D. Ferrigno