
Graffiti in Bay Terrace removed

The Bay Terrace Community Alliance (BTCA) takes great pride in the beautification of their neighborhood. Therefore, when members saw graffiti sprouting up in their area, they decided to do something about it.
For the third time in the last 18 months, the BCTA’s Graffiti Response Team, with help from Citizens Against Graffiti Everywhere (CAGE), canvassed the neighborhood, removing any graffiti they came across. They managed to eliminate twenty markings or “tags” from street signs, telephone booths, utility posts, mail boxes and electrical polls.
“We try to be very aggressive about graffiti removal in the Bay Terrace area,” said Warren Schreiber, the Bay Terrace Alliance President. “We look upon graffiti as vandalism, not art.”
When the Graffiti Response Team first went out in the community 18 months ago, they did it on their own, obtaining paintbrushes from the Mayor’s Community Assistance Unit. Since then, they’ve joined up with CAGE, an organization now made up of 30 civic organizations throughout the borough opposed to graffiti.
“We’ve always been interested in fighting graffiti,” Schreiber said, “but now we’re in a position where we have some people who actually go out on a regular basis and take an inventory of graffiti and remove it.”
The Bay Terrace Community Alliance urges all its residents to call them at (718) 907-6198 if they observe graffiti near their homes or anywhere in the community.