
Vols make Bass Beach Clean-up a success

An overwhelming number of volunteers came together recently to lend a helping hand in the 12th Annual Little Neck Bay 2006 Bass Beach Clean-up. The clean up, sponsored by the Bayside Anglers Group Ltd. (BAG), has seen increasing numbers of environmentally minded people come out each spring.
This year, BAG recruited volunteers from all over, including friends and family members of the group; Councilman Tony Avella and his wife, Judith; members from the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary - Fort Totten 12-08; several young men and women from Phoenix House; Friends of Fort Totten Park, and others.
It was a perfect day for all who came together in honor of “Earth Day” and the “Keep America Beautiful Campaign,” where volunteers annually clean-up, and improve their neighborhoods and waterways in an effort to create a healthier, safer and more livable community environment.
The goal of the 12th Annual Little Neck Bay Bass Beach Clean-up was to clean the waterways and shoreline and ensure that the aquatic environment continues to thrive. Environmental damage is caused by what people throw in the water, what floats in the water and from damaged and rotted docks and boats. Over 20 cubic-yards of garbage were collected this year.