
Free job training for women

This fall, Queens College offers its 7th annual &#8220Women and Work” program, a free job training program for women. During a 15-week course that helps women enter or re-enter the workforce, women will be able to rebuild their lives from the inside out, socially, financially and academically.
The program, which has helped over 400 women, was developed specifically to help women from backgrounds of financial and emotional hardship and grew out of the life experience of its Executive Director, Carmella Marrone.
In 1990, Marrone became a cancer victim and suffered the loss of her 17-year marriage and her very successful corporate career. With a degree in Women's Studies, Marrone was able to turn her dream of helping other women rebuild their lives into a reality.
Her goal was to ensure that &#8220Women and Work” would not only provide participants with the skills necessary to be successful in the workplace, but that an essential support system would be established by the program's community of women.
&#8220This program isn't right for everyone. But, if you're a woman who wants to take control of your life and desire to improve your financial situation, then this is an opportunity that you cannot afford to pass up,” Marrone said.
&#8220Women and Work” provides a variety of training programs that help prepare women for the workforce, including use of computer programs, mathematical, verbal, reading, writing skills, interviewing skills and resume writing. The program also offers a course in life-management skills, including time management, childcare needs, personal development, interpersonal skills and conflict resolution.
With a staff that is dedicated to the success of their students, the program is also able to offer on-site counseling, needs assessment, health and wellness training, and a clothing closet filled with free business attire.
Post program classes offer advanced computer seminars, humanity workshops, job registry and employment assistance to all of its program's graduates.
In order to be considered for the program, you do not need any computer knowledge, a high school diploma, a GED, or even to call in advance. However, some working knowledge of the English language is required and you must be a legal resident of the United States, as well as commit to the entire 15-week program. Those interested in the program must also attend at least one &#8220Open House Event.”
&#8220Open House Events” are held at Queens College and take place on Thursday, August 17, Thursday, August 24, Monday, August 28 and Tuesday, September 5. All events begin at 10 a.m. and are located in the Music Building Room.
Fall classes will begin with Orientation Day on Wednesday, September 6. Classes will begin on September 7, running through December 19.
For any questions or additional information, please contact Carmella Marrone at carmella.marrone@qc.cuny.edu.