
Unique networking in Glendale

Tiles Unlimited owner Joe Pipitone will host a Network Plus event designed to help area business people establish relationships with each other toward the goal of improving and generating new business.
The event will take place on Monday, October 30 at Tiles Unlimited located at 82-02 Cooper Avenue in Glendale from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Admission to the event is $10 with light snacks served throughout the evening.
&#8220My goal is to have a successful event, which means for me to help people create new relationships,” Pipitone said.
Pipitone recently held a few networking events that he organized by himself, but then he got involved as first Queens facilitator of Network Plus, a New Jersey-based organization whose goal is to create the best environment for networking while offering tips to succeed.
Pipitone said that these networking events are much more than just exchanging business cards with people - they want those in attendance to develop positive relationships and a trust that is essential for future business transactions.
&#8220I liked what they were doing and was on the same page as they were,” Pipitone said.
Pipitone said these networking events are now scheduled to occur monthly, and he hopes that they will soon become bi-monthly events.