
Katz and VVA team up on toys

Councilmember Melinda Katz along with the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 32 recently delivered more than 1,000 toys to children at the Ronald McDonald House and Elmhurst Hospital to help the kids celebrate the holidays. The drive was the councilmember's fifth annual event. &#8220It is heartwarming to experience the overwhelming show of generosity and caring from the many people who contributed to this year’s toy drive,” Katz said. &#8220The gifts are greatly appreciated by the families who received this outpouring of holiday giving and compassion. I would like to offer my sincerest thanks to everyone who participated in the 5th annual toy drive, the Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) Chapter 32 especially VVA members President Pat Toro, Bobby Boisselle, Steve Smith for their help and the Ronald McDonald House and Elmhurst Hospital for their service and commitment to our children's care.