“College is only one part of students’ lives,” said Dr. Dan L. King - newly appointed vice president for Academic Affairs at Queensborough Community College (QCC).
“Students are stretched in a lot of different ways, with work or families. We need to foster a community that not only supports the students academically, but also personally. We need to make the collegiate experience meaningful in their lives.”
According to QCC, Dr. King, whose appointment was effective on February 1, has over 35 years of experience as a professor, dean and vice president. Educated in the midwest, he has 12 years of experience as the dean at Colleges of Education at SUNY-Buffalo, the University of Wyoming and at Arkansas State University. He comes to QCC from Rhode Island College where he served as vice president for Academic Affairs since 2003.
“Dr. King’s rare combination of administrative, teaching and pedagogical research experience convinced me that he is the right person at the right time for Queensborough Community College,” said Dr. Eduardo J. Mart’, President of QCC.
A college spokesperson said that Dr. King’s depth of experience qualifies him to implement QCC’s Plan for Integrated Education which calls for a holistic approach to education utilizing blocked programs, learning communities, writing intensive courses, specialized tutoring, e-portfolios, milestone experiences and capstone courses.
Dr. King’s office will also be involved with QCC’s Aspire to Success scholarship program, supporting students who are committed to focusing on their studies and graduating in a timely fashion.
His office will oversee the recently launched Accelerated Studies in Associate Programs (ASAP), the new CUNY initiative established by Mayor Michael Bloomberg. ASAP provides guidance and support to encourage highly-motivated, low income students throughout the CUNY community colleges.
Dr. King, the father of two grown sons, has co-authored a book chapter and authored over 50 academic articles. Additionally, he served on the editorial board of two journals – Educational Planning and the National Forum of Applied Educational Research Journal, and has edited a special issue of the Journal of Higher Education Management.
According QCC, Dr. King’s wide range of experience, which includes time spent at Erie Community College pursuing his ACE Fellowship, has given him an appreciation of the general mission of community colleges.
“The mission to provide access to high quality education to masses of people is one that I value highly,” Dr. King said. “I will be an advocate every where I can for quality,” he said adding, “Quality that the student receives in education, and quality of the faculty members’ commitment to their disciplines and to their students.”