
Kids help hospital one penny at a time

One group of Long Island City elementary school students put their pennies to good use by donating $1,000 worth of them to Mount Sinai Hospital Queens breast health initiatives.
P.S. 112, the Dutch Kills School, was one of the schools to participate in this year’s school-wide Penny Harvest fundraiser, which is organized with assistance from the Common Cents organization. During a month-and-a-half in the fall, students brought in their pennies.
Third grader Daiser Barberii made sure that her classmates knew about the fundraiser and put up posters for it.
“I said that it’s important you bring some for people who have needs and try to bring as many pennies as you can and do your best,” Barberii said.
Chris Fischer, the City Year Volunteer Leader at P.S. 112, said that all of the students at the school were very enthusiastic and excited about the fundraiser.
In total, the students were able to raise a little over $1,000. Barberii estimated that she brought in about 50 pennies herself, having received some help collecting them from her parents. She also said that she thought it was a really good amount that was collected.
“I thought they were fantastic,” Fischer said, adding that the students took charge and never looked back. “It was a consistent flow of pennies throughout the entire span. It was very rewarding for me to be a part of something like this.”
As part of the Penny Harvest, a small group of students was brought together for a round table discussion during which they came up with ideas on who was to receive the proceeds.
Fischer said that the number one cause that was identified was health and hospitals.
Mount Sinai Hospital Queens was chosen to receive the donation. The money will be specifically used for their breast health initiatives and will support their breast cancer screening services. This allows women in the community who typically don’t have access to health care to receive mammograms.
Ana Rodriguez, the Director of Community Services at the hospital, said that this donation will enable them to reach more women. She thanked the students for their efforts.
“I think it’s inspiring that at such an early age they’re already starting to think and be conscious about health and community issues,” Rodriguez said.
Mount Sinai Senior Director of Communications John Kump said that the students were an inspiration not only to other students but to adults as well. He too thanked the students of P.S. 112 for their generosity.
“I want them to experience the joy of giving,” Kump said.
In celebration of the students’ accomplishments, an assembly was held at the school on Monday, April 14, at which time they presented the hospital with the check. The hospital also gave the students Mount Sinai Queens piggy banks to express their gratitude.
Fischer said that one of the benefits of the Penny Harvest is that students learn about community service. Since it was a city-wide event, he said it also shows them that they are a part of something bigger.
Barberii said that her parents are very proud of her and that she is happy about the fundraiser. She also said it feels good to know they are helping people.