

Let’s face it: the world’s gone digital. Your music is digital. Many movies are filmed digitally. Heck, your television reception will soon need to be digital by law! So why not your printing?
OK, so digital isn’t yet as crisp and color accurate as its offset big brother, but with the impressive progress of printing technology in recent years, digital now offers a terrific choice for a small, four-color run on a tight budget. Gone are the days when your set-up costs for expensive color plates threatened to eat up whatever revenue your printed materials would generate. Now, printing digitally offers you the opportunity to get the four-color materials you desperately want at a price you can actually pay.
Of course, as with all choices, your selection of digital vs. offset depends on the specific job. At least for now, larger quantities will pretty much require you to choose offset printing. Similarly, oversized jobs are not ideally suited to digital. And if your materials aren’t likely to change for an extended period of time, offset still provides the best quality finished product.
But for traditional materials - business cards, stationery, invoice templates, flyers, brochures, direct mail etc. - consider giving digital a try. In addition to sizeable savings on the actual print job, you’ll gain the flexibility to modify and adapt your materials quickly and efficiently for subsequent runs, with minimal additional costs since the changes need only be made in the digital computer files and no new plates are required. And if you’re in a rush, printing digitally means a far-quicker turnaround time from start to finish.
For now, offset is definitely still the prettiest. But digital may already be your best all-around choice to get noticed effectively and affordably. Hey, they don’t call it the “digital revolution” for nothing.
For more information or questions, call 718-820-0688 or visit www.advantages.net.
Fran Biderman-Gross is President of Advantages.