
Korony American Legion Post 280

By Tony Salimbene

Around The County

Bronx County Convention and County Officer Elections at Samuel Young Post 620 is on June 13 at 7 p.m.

June 14 is the S.A.L. barbecue at TN Memorial 1456 and Flag Day.

June 15 is Father’s Day and also the Korony Post meetings. See

See your veteran’s and community activities here. Call (347) 672-4918.

Around The


So we reflect back on Memorial Day and ahead to Father’s Day and on their service to our country. I fondly recall the Wissman Mansion, home number three to the Korony Post – the Edgewater Park fire trucks assembled near the flag pole and monument with Legionnaires in uniform, Duke and Sully with the rifle squad all ready to render honors. My father said to me, “Be quiet for just a minute,” as we faced the flag together and the bugler played taps. I jumped at the firing squad’s loud report, still do today. It took me a while to fully understand the meaning of that ceremony. After years of my being affected by anti-Vietnam mass media bias, one of my dad’s prouder days was when I announced that I was elected a vice commander of our local Legion post. Funny thing about free speech, you fight and die for it, even though you don’t agree. Dad tries to show you, you eventually get it.

Until Next Time

Happy Father’s Day.