
Tietz Center launches educational series

Hundreds of observant community residents and visitors flocked to Kew Gardens Hills recently, for a chance to hear world renowned speaker and author Rabbi Paysach Krohn.
On Tuesday, November 18, the crowd of more than two hundred flocked to the schul the Young Israel of Kew Gardens for the first in a series of community education lectures sponsored by the Margaret Tietz Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Jamaica.
Rabbi Krohn inspired those in attendance as he explored the topic, “Caring for Our Loved Ones, as They Cared for Us.” He spoke of responsibility to parents, importance of empathy to their feelings, and the extraordinary work of the Tietz Center.
“We’re proud to have the opportunity to serve the community and look forward to our upcoming lectures,” said Gerald Hart, Executive Director of the Tietz Center.
The program was opened by Rabbi Fabian Schonfeld, of the host synagogue. Long involved in the Center’s outreach to the Jewish community, he praised the Center for its commitment.
Schonfeld also observed how its founding by a Holocaust survivor was a strong answer to the destruction of the Nazis.
Michael Fassler, CEO of Beth Abraham Family of Health Services in the Bronx, made brief introductory remarks, elaborating on the mission of his own organization and their interaction with the Tietx Center.
Rabbi Zavel Pearlman, Coordinator of Jewish Religious Affairs at the Tietz Center, also spoke briefly about its recent successes and goals for the future.
The Margaret Tietz Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, located at 164-11 Chapin Parkway in Jamaica, is a 200 bed, not-for-profit, residential health care facility.
It was founded in 1971 with a mission of caring for Holocaust survivors, but with the passage of time has expanded its reach to a diverse community.
“We do want more people to know about our enhanced amenities for observant Jews,” Hart said, “like our Glatt Kosher kitchen, shabbos doors and elevator and nearby shabbos apartment.”
Observant Jews are forbidden to operate electrical apparatus on the Sabbath, Hart explained. In many facilities, doors and elevators are electrically operated, thus denied to the religiously observant during the day of rest.
“We disconnect the motor-part of one set of doors and one elevator is set to run constantly, stopping at every floor,” thus allowing the observant to use them Hart explained. Likewise the center maintains an apartment near the facility, so that visitors who are prohibited from traveling can find convenient - and compliant - lodging.
Through the support of Beth Abraham, the Tietz Center, a member of their family of health services, installed a kosher kitchen. The Bronx group founded the the first kosher home for the aged in New York City, in 1920.
“The Vaad of Queens certified it as Glatt Koshet,” Hart pointed out. This designation, by the local governing body, means that food prepared in the kitchen complies with the strictest Jewish dietary laws, he explained.
For more information on the Tietz Center and its outreach to the Jewish community, please call Linda Spiegel at 718-298-7838 or email lspiegel@mtnrc.org.