
Queens Chamber connects biz and school

When the Long Island Business Institute (LIBI) had computers that they could no longer use, they wanted to donate them to a Queens school but weren’t sure where - so they contacted the Queens Chamber of Commerce.
They put LIBI, a business school with branches in Flushing and Commack, Long Island, in touch with P.S. 188, the Kingsbury School, located at 218-12 Hartland Avenue in Hollis Hills.
On Wednesday, January 21, Assemblymember Mark Weprin who chairs their Committee on Small Business, met representatives of LIBI, the Chamber, school staff and students. “This is a great example of a business that truly gives back to the community,” he said.
Shown here behind three grateful school kids are (from left) P.S. 188 Computer teacher Steven David; Principal Dr. Janet Caraisco; Assemblymember Mark S.
Weprin; Marva Kalish, Queens Chamber of Commerce; LIBI’s President Monica Foote; Director of Career Services Jerilyn Marinan and Information Technology Manager Vincent Tang.