
Déjà vu for contest teen

For the second year in a row, Whitestone student Tristen Buettel has made it to the top six of the WOR annual Shining Star Talent Search, and is hoping that the votes of the community will earn her the top spot this year.

The competition, which is in its fifth year and is held by WOR News/Talk Radio 710 HD, is open to students in grades seven through 12. The winner receives $1,500 while their school receives $7,500.

Buettel, an eighth grader at J.H.S. 194, has done a great deal of dancing, singing, community theatre, talent shows, recitals and competitions. She applied for the contest last year, making in to the top six.

This past April, she applied to this year’s contest and found out she made the top 25 out of about 1,000 applicants in mid-May. Just last week Buettel was informed she was once again in the top six.

“It was so amazing,” the 13-year-old said.

To apply, the students had to send in a recording. Buettel decided to sing The Pretenders’ “I’ll Stand By You.” Aside from just loving the song, she said she selected it because she wanted to dedicate something to her mother, who had breast cancer five years ago.

“I was very moved when Tristen told me she wanted to sing that song and dedicate it to me,” mom Maria said.

Buettel, who also served on her school’s yearbook committee and dance team, said that everyone was been very excited for her and very supportive. Her mother added that she thinks there is more excitement since no one from Queens has ever won, and that many people are cheering for her.

Although Buettel does want to go to college to become a teacher, her dream job is to become a Broadway performer. Her ultimate role would be Elle Woods in “Legally Blonde.”

Voting in WOR’s 5th Annual Shining Star Talent Search will take place through June 9, with the winner being announced on June 11. Buettel said that she would ask people to vote for her since there has never been a Queens winner.

“I’m the only one representing Queens and New York City,” she said.

Buettel said that winning the competition would definitely give her more confidence to follow her passion of becoming a professional performer.

“It would also just make me want to do it more and want to be on Broadway more,” Buettel said.

To vote for Buettel, visit www.worshiningstar.com or call 212-732-8683 and press two.