Woodhaven residents that own automobiles fitted with out-of-state license plates could soon face heightened scrutiny from their neighbors as the Woodhaven Residents’ Block Association (WRBA) attempts to clear up area parking spaces.
The WRBA has asked all local residents to report to them vehicles with out-of-state plates which have been parked in the same spot for over a month. After receiving the information, the WRBA will contact the appropriate state and inquire as to whether the automobile is properly registered.
“Parking has historically been hard to find in Woodhaven,” said WRBA Director Vance Barbour. “If these vehicles’ owners are dodging local state regulations, and skipping out on paying fees to New York State like the rest of the community pays, we owe it to our residents to call it to the attention of the proper authorities.”
The announcement came at the WRBA’S meeting on Saturday, January 10, and was in response to local residents’ complaints about out-of-state vehicles taking up many of their parking spaces.