
Smith spreading the word on earned income tax credit

Smith spreading the word on earned income tax credit
By Ivan Pereira

With tax season around the corner, state Sen. Malcolm Smith (D-St. Albans) wants southeast Queens taxpayers to get their fair share in returns.

The senator has been making a push to get more of his constituents to apply for the federal government’s Earned Income Tax Credit program. Taxpayers who make roughly $48,000 or less can get credit on their tax returns if they file their returns and apply for the program.

“An estimated 20 [percent] to 25 percent more people than currently collect EITC may qualify but may not be aware of it. I urge all New Yorkers who think they may qualify to contact the Internal Revenue Service to determine eligibility,” Smith said in a statement.

More people can qualify for EITC due to declining income, marriage or more children in the family, according to Smith. Families with three or more children are eligible for a larger credit.

“The Earned Income Tax Credit is for hardworking New Yorkers with moderate to low-incomes, those with limited English skills, disabilities and non-traditional families, such as a grandparent raising a grandchild,” Smith said.

For more information, log on to irs.gov/individuals/article/0,,id=130102,00.html or call 1-800-829-1040.

Reach reporter Ivan Pereira by e-mail at ipereira@cnglocal.com or by phone at 718-260-4546.