
Reporters need to get better at doing their jobs

This is in response to the editorial in the Oct. 7-13 issue of the Whitestone Times headlined “We Were Right: Paladino Is Unfit to Govern.”

You said, “The reporter was doing his job.” But I think reporters these days often have a misguided view of what their job is. In political contests, for example, I wish reporters would stick to how the candidates plan to address the issues at hand and not so much if a candidate had an affair way back when.

Reporters these days seem to have lost their respect for the individual and are rude, often incoherent in their posing of questions and overly aggressive to the point of bordering on assault.

I would wager that most of us would go ballistic if we were faced with this rude behavior, insensitivity and verbal assaults by this generation of reporters.

If it is your view that voters are to make their choice based on what happened way back when in the candidates’ personal lives, then, yes, I would like to know why state Attorney General Andrew Cuomo’s wife left him and threw him out of the house.

Michael Seeley
