
Andy’s plan at a glance

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo delivered a message of bipartisanship during his first State of the State address. He also laid out concrete initiatives he hopes will help the state prosper.

? Emergency Fiscal Plan: The plan to close the $10 billion deficit in the 2010-11 budget aims to do so without raising taxes or borrowing. His plan calls for a one year salary freeze on the vast majority of public employees; holding the line on taxes; and imposing a state spending cap limiting spending growth to the rate of inflation.
? Rightsizing Government: The governor issued an executive order creating the Spending and Government Efficiency (SAGE) Commission to make state government more accountable and efficient by reducing the number of agencies, authorities and commissions by 20 percent.
? Redesigning the Medicaid program: A Medicaid Redesign Team will find ways to save money within the Medicaid program. The team will be comprised of leaders from the health care industry, the governor’s office, the legislative bodies and business, labor and consumer advocates. The team will begin work no later than Friday, January 7.
? Restructuring Education: The governor noted that the state is first in education spending, but 34th in results. He proposes restructuring education aid to create initiatives that reward school districts for improving student performance and implementing management efficiency policies.
? Transforming the ethical environment in government: His “Clean up Albany: agenda includes instituting campaign finance reform to include a system of public financing for elections, limiting contribution levels, creating an independent redistricting commission, create independent monitoring and enforcement of ethics laws.